A Feather in Her Hat
More Pictures from the Film

In Hyde Park, a veteran of the Great War speaks to other vets about how bad their situation is.

Captain Courtney, another veteran who was wounded in the war, also speaks.

Courtney says, "Give your children the opportunity to rise above you."

Clarissa, a widow with a child, is interested in what Courtney had to say. She offers him some brandy.

She explains the deal to him. She lives in the back of the shop.

He likes it there.

Courtney tests the boy with "Half a moment."


Clarissa tells her son that his name is Orland, not Phipps. He is shocked. She insists that he go away from Little Egbert street.

Courtney is puzzled.

Courtney tries to help Richard come to terms with the news that Clarissa is not his mother.

Courtney thinks he knows who the real mother is.

Courtney tells Richard he must keep his identity secret from Julia Trent.

Clarissa and Courtney say goodbye to Richard, who is moving to the West End.

After Richard leaves, Courtney says that his job is finished, so he thinks he must leave. Clarissa asks him to stay. It's clear that they care about each other.

Emily tells them of the taxi accident.

At the premiere of Richard's play



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